This is the latest in ATPM’s series of Trivia Challenges. Answers to this month’s Trivia Challenge will be found in the next issue of ATPM. If you have any suggestions for future Trivia Challenges, or wish to comment about almost anything, please e-mail me at . I’d like to congratulate last month’s winners in Trivia Challenge 4.10 - Movie Mutterings. First prize was won by Brad Mehrtens and second place was taken by Rob Durnford. Next month we’ll have another Prize Pack to give away. This month’s Trivia Challenge is a list of song titles from the 1970s that were made popular by groups that had only one big hit. On the left are the song titles and on the right are the groups that made them famous. See if you can match them up! Try to unlock the secrets of:   1. “Reflections Of My Life” A. Vanity Fair 2. “Vehicle” B. Blues Image 3. “Ma Belle Amie” C. Edison Lighthouse 4. “Ride, Captain, Ride” D. Mott The Hoople 5. “Little Green Bag” E. Norman Greenbaum 6. “Hitchin’ A Ride” F. White Plains 7. “My Baby Loves Lovin’” G. The Ides Of March 8. “Gimme Gimme Good Lovin’” H. Marmalade 9. “All The Young Dudes” I. B W Stevenson 10. “Spirit In The Sky” J. George Baker Selection 11. “My Maria” K. Crazy Elephant 12. “Love Grows Where L. The Tee Set My Rosemary Goes” The Rules Each question has only one correct answer. The answers are stored in a hermetically sealed envelope guarded by a fierce Lhasa Apso named “Hammerli” who lives in our house. Last Month’s Answers—Movie Mutterings 1. “Emergency! Emergency! B. The Russians Are Coming, Everybody to get from street!” The Russians Are Coming 2. “It sure would be a big waste G. Contact of space.” 3. “The new phonebook’s out! D. The Jerk The new phonebook’s out!” 4. “That’s not a knife, I. Crocodile Dundee THIS is a knife!” 5. “It turns out I have a Rose H. The American President Garden.” 6. “Admiral,there be whales here!” A. Star Trek V - The Voyage Home 7. “Now, get off my plane!” C. Air Force One 8. “Show me the money!” J. Jerry Maguire 9. “Welcome to Earth!” E. Independence Day 10. “I’m an excellent driver.” F. Rainman This Month's Blues CD Recommendation: “Just Like You” - Keb’ Mo’ - OKeh/Epic EK 67316 Copyright © 1998 Edward Goss,